Il piano a cilindro (barrel piano)
80.00 € VAT included | shipping costs excluded
By Antonio Latanza
The most important and complete work dedicated to the barrel piano from its origins to today. Over 400 pages with black and white and color photos and documents plus two CDs with over 80 music.
Although the barrel piano has crossed over almost two centuries of history throughout its existence, knowing its widespread diffusion at all levels, and despite having had its main developments and major innovations in Italy, there was no text in our country Dedicated to the musical instrument that has accompanied so many moments of Italian life until the fifties of the century. This book wants to fill this gap. In dealing with other foreign publications on the subject, however, he performs a leap of quality, investigating not only the technical and instrumental genesis of the cylinder plan, but also his sociological implications, his impact on society, his influence on customs. The two enclosed CDs, featuring numerous music tracks carefully commented on in the text, make this forgotten form of mechanical music reviving soundly, effectively integrating reading.